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  Working Holiday 2019  

From Tim´s feedback-sheet…

…about his abroad stay in Chile
The first weeks I had trouble to understand the people even though  I had taken Spanish at school for three years. However, this changed very quickly due to intense language usage and now I can communicate without any problems, so do not give up! I did not only develope my Spanish, but also I feel now more self-assured and independent. I really recommend staying abroad because it is a unique experience! In addition, it’s very good for your curriculum vitae and it is a nice alternation to normal travelling.

​...about the work of the work & travel project in a hostel in Santiago de Chile
•    Plain working hours, plain working areas, super fair. In addition, there were  a lot of other volunteers and young people around me, which I like a lot.
•    4 to  5 shifts per week (8 hours each) at the reception. The general working duties were always the same, so I got  a routine fast: Check in, payments, providing  information, etc.
Every shift also had some  particularity like for example: Breakfast preparations, nightshifts, breakfast surveillance at the early shift and washing laundry at the late shift.
•    Sometimes,  it also could happen that I had to  help the cleaning lady to do the beds. That was also a shift and was combined with the work at the Bar in the evening...

… about the Work & Travel for a tour operator in Pucón
•    A familiar atmosphere with breakfast and lunch inclusive. Adequate for young and unexperienced participants.
A typical work day:
•    8.30 start of work: (partial preparations) and breakfast service for the guests. After that, I had to help washing the dishes.
•    9.30-bathroom cleaning
•    Alternative: 7.45 until 11.00:go to the bus terminal in Pucón to distribute flyers for outdoor activities and provide  information about the tours or to capture  potential guests for the hostel and show themthe way there.
•    Afterwards, breakfast with the hostel owners
•    Ca. 11.30 bedding the beds and clean the rooms and the community area
•    At the afternoons picking up the phone and guard the bell, providing  guests with information  about the tours, possibly also sell the tours (but no actual transaction such as payment, etc.).
•    Sometimes I also had to go to the tour operator (ca. 300 m from the hostel) and give  some information
•    Late afternoon free
•    Evenings/nights partial until midnight staying awake and lock up the doors and turn off the lights. Finishing time

about Chile Inside
Perfect Service and super friendly! Go on like this!
However, honestly, next time I would [...] try to organize everything myself. Nevertheless, thank you for the support and the secure feeling that you gave me!

Combine abroad projects Chile Inside:
We thank Tim for his feedback and we put his advice into action! From now on we offer discounts for the booking of two or more projects!
Look here for further information!
We are always pleased to receive your feedback and reports on our programs in Chile so  we can continue to improve our service and programs and offer you exactly what you are looking for,. foryour abroad  adventure in South America!

Your Chile Inside Team.

Find more information on our Work & Travel Programs

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