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Our New Year’s resolution for 2021: live sustainably!

  13. January 2021  

The New Year is still very fresh and we look forward to what 2021 holds. Of course, we also have good intentions which are more than just resolutions. We believe an attitude to life that should accompany us from now on. What is it? SUSTAINABILITY. A simple word with a huge impact. A word that makes such a big difference for many - whether humans, animals or nature. That is why it is our firm decision to keep asking ourselves in all our actions from now on: is it also possible to live (more) sustainably?

Our wonderful volunteer projects in Latin America revolve around environmental protection and animal welfare. That makes us proud and happy. In the years since our existence, our customers have achieved so many great things in the projects and really changed something for those affected. Of course, in our office we also pay close attention to which document has to be printed out, switch off our devices at night and separate our rubbish. Paper that is no longer necessary is used as scratch paper and for notes. Business trips are reduced to a minimum. If we need a notepad, we make sure it is made of 100% environmentally friendly paper, like the super great eco notebooks from the German company typp that we discovered in the KAUZANA online shop.

Plastic bottles are not allowed in our office. We really don't want them. Water is of course important for a healthy lifestyle, therefore, our drinking water comes straight from the tap, filled into the stylish glass bottles from Soulbottles or the returnable bottles with great prints from Carry Bottles. These are available in many beautiful motifs - at the same time a good mood maker or a pretty decoration for our workplaces. Due to Covid 19, our office has unfortunately lost a bit of space. But, in order to always have everything at a glance and already tidy, we have equipped our office with these wonderful desk organizers made of bamboo and these ecological desk shelves. We love it!

The soaps in our bathrooms do not come from environmentally harmful plastic soap dispensers, of course, but we have great solid soaps, pure natural products that are free from animal testing and microplastics. Oh yes, and our paper buckets are no longer made of plastic but had to give way to these fair trade sisal baskets from Mifuko. These things are actually way too beautiful to be used as wastebasket, but they look great in our office. We are amazed at how lovely our sustainable office has become.

The home office will be with us again this year. But that's not all that dramatic. Since we can't always use public transportation, we save quite a bit of CO2. Well, and we don't want to deny that it is sometimes really cozy in the home office. With the laptop folding table from Bambuswald we answer your email as quickly as usual, often even from the sofa in the evening. And so that we don't fall asleep on the sofa, we always have a delicious fair trade coffee on hand, freshly brewed with the stainless steel coffee filter from Avoidwaste.

What do we want to achieve with this contribution? With these little glimpses of our everyday office life, we can show you that sustainability is all about. It's just about finding the right alternatives. And there are enough of them. We thank you if, from 2021 onwards, “sustainability” is also a word that will accompany you.

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